

When Jesus visited his home town of Nazareth, scripture states he did not do many mighty works there because of unbelief.

Miraculous things could not happen in the presence of disbelief.

Unbelief placed handcuffs on God, and even in the presence of the Son of God, disbelief stopped the miraculous in its tracks.

It wasn't that Jesus lacked the power to perform miracles. Rather, disbelief in the hearts and minds of the people of Nazareth prevented miracles from occurring.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus made it clear that it's the faith of the believer that makes the miraculous happen.

The true miracle worker has been and will always be the believer.

If you want to experience a miracle, don't look outside yourself. Instead, look within. It's your faith that will make you whole.

While it's true Jesus was the Son of God, and it's true he could do the miraculous, his biggest miracle was getting people to start believing once again.

People who had been beaten down by every conceivable calamity came to Jesus, and when he looked in their eyes and touched them with his hands, they started believing once again.

Jesus never said, "My faith has made you whole."

Whenever a miracle happened, Jesus said, "Your faith has made you whole." It was the faith of the believer that made miracles happen.

Wherever Jesus went, he helped people start believing once again.

A blindman from the town of Bethsaida requested healing from Jesus, but he could not be healed in Bethsaida.

Bethsaida was a place of great unbelief, and healing could not occur in a place overwhelmed by disbelief.

Jesus led the man outside the town, and once outside, a dramatic miracle happened. His vision was restored.

The healing of the blind man from Bethsaida is unique because the miracle happened in two stages. The first time Jesus touched the man, his vision was partially restored, and he said, "I see men as trees walking." Then Jesus touched him a second time, and the man saw clearly - his healing was now complete.

This story has two important points.

First, the man had to leave the place of unbelief for healing to occur.

Second, faith is an incremental experience for many people.

Although miracles often occur in an instant, many times more than one touch is required. It's a quantum experience where we jump from one level of faith to another higher level where the miracle becomes complete.

What was true for the blind man is also true for us.

Some places are so toxic and negative that miracles cannot happen there. We have to leave a place of unbelief for our miracle to begin.

We may need to leave our job or even where we live for faith to rise up in our hearts and for the miraculous to occur.

For most of us, faith is an incremental experience. When we start believing once again, we jump from one level of faith to the next.

When Jesus said, "All things are posible to him who believes," he was declaring the massive power of faith.

Faith is meant to move the mountains of difficulty in your life.

Faith isn't just for the small stuff. Faith handles the big stuff just fine.

Your entire life runs on faith, and your beliefs determine what is possible.

Unbelief stops you in your tracks, whereas faith keeps you moving forward.

Belief is your road map and compass that guides you into a positive future.

Jesus said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you."

Your beliefs determine where and how far you go.

Jesus taught that belief alone is not enough.

He said, "Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you."

Although believing points you in the right direction, it does not get you to your destination. That's where asking, seeking and knocking come in.

You can have all the faith in the world, but if you don't do the asking, seeking and knocking, you stay right where you are.

Asking, seeking, and knocking are the evidence you truly believe.

If you don't ask, the answer will always be no.

If you don't seek, you will never find.

If you don't knock, the door of opportunity will never open.

You have to do your part so God can do his part for the miraculous to occur.

Every day thousands of opportunities hide in plain sight right in front of your eyes, but the only way to see those opportunities is through eyes of faith.

The instant faith springs up in your heart and you start believing once again, you discover dozens of opportunities that surround you on all sides. Your biggest challenge is deciding which opportunities to select.

For faith and belief to work their miracle, you have to turn your back on fear.

Fear stops faith in its tracks.

Fear and faith cannot coexist. It's one or the other, and you must choose.

Jesus said,"Don't be afraid, just believe."

Jesus took a hard position on fear.

It's not that fear is the unforgiveable sin. Rather, it's that fear is a dead end street that stops the miraculous from happening.

As far as Jesus was concerned, fear was unacceptable.

Jesus told a parable about a rich man going on a journey, and before he left, he gave three of his servants money to invest.

Two of the servants made good investments and doubled the money.

The third servant was afraid he might lose the money, so he buried it in the ground.

When the master returned, the unprofitable servant told the master he was afraid, and that's why he buried it.

Jesus condemned the unprofitable servant because he let fear control his life. Fear kept him from taking a leap of faith into a positive future.

Jesus was quick to forgive people who were guilty of all sorts of sins, great and small. He forgave everything except fear.

Fear was the unpardonable sin because it stopped faith in its tracks.

You were born to believe and believing is the natural state of the human heart and mind. Faith is your guiding light from the cradle to the grave.

You are meant to live a life of a million miracles. All you need to do is believe.

Living the life of faith is for everyone on planet earth.

For people who have been beaten down by life and who stopped believing, there is hope. They can start believing once again.

It's never over until God says it's over.

All things are possible if you start believing once again.

Today is a great day to send fear packing and to light the fire of faith in your heart and mind.

It's time to believe that your dreams are possible and to work each day to make them happen.

It's time to start believing once again.

Dr. Dave - The Positive Channel



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