Many people try to make practicing the presence of God into a part time job. After all, they have a busy schedule, and they want to squeeze God into their unused time slots. He is always there, and they can just ring him up and touch base with him at a convenient time.
These part timers need to understand the Spiritual Law of Quality Time.
What is this law?
The Spiritual Law of Quality Time states: Quality time doesn’t apply to God.
You cannot squeeze God into your leftover moments and pretend the quality of time spent with him is more important than its quantity.
God cannot be squeezed into your life. He can only be squeezed out.
God must be present in all your moments.
How you use each moment is a choice.
God will either be in the moment or pushed aside.
This isn’t an appeal to join a monastery and enter into a life of meditation and contemplation. God’s call is not a call to a cloister. It’s a call to adventure.
God has a plan for your life, and it’s a plan for greatness and achievement.
It’s a call to a meaningful relationship with the Creator of the universe.
There is no limit to how good your life can become when you follow God’s Master Plan.
The only way to make it happen is to be a full timer and practice God’s presence all the time.
The way you spend your time is a good measure of what’s important to you.
Part timers fool themselves when they try to squeeze God into their leftover moments.
If you want to get a rough idea of how your relationship with God is going, add up the time that you spend focusing on his love and listening to what He has to say.
If you are spending only a few minutes each day with God, your relationship is in trouble. You are a part timer, and you are going to miss out on God’s plan.
You can fool yourself, and you can fool others, but you cannot fool God.
You need to make reality checks all day long to understand what’s happening in your life.
You need to practice God’s presence so you are always connected to the one who has the master plan. You need to be in continual fellowship with God to make good decisions.
If God is your Father, He is your Father twenty-four hours a day.
If you are going to have a relationship with him, your relationship needs to be active all the time.
If you want to have God in your life, He needs to be in every part of it. There are no compartments from which you exclude him.
When you try to squeeze God into a few moments at the beginning or end of the day, you are programming yourself for disaster.
Ten minutes out of twenty-four hours is less than one percent of your time.
If you think you can have a growing relationship with God by talking to him less that one percent of each day, you are fooling yourself.
Getting to know your Father and growing spiritually takes time, and the more time you spend with him, the better your relationship becomes.
When you try to squeeze God into one percent of your time, you don’t squeeze him in. You squeeze him out. You squeeze him out of the other ninety-nine percent of your life.
It all comes down to a reality check.
Do you want to have God in your life?
Do you want to be a whole person? Do you want to be transformed by the renewing of your mind?
Do you want God’s unconditional love to wash the toxic waste out of your mind and heal your damaged emotions?
You will know the answers to these questions when you see how you spend your time.
If you want God’s love to transform your life, you need to practice God’s presence all day long.
If you want to have a new way of thinking and feeling, you will have to spend a great deal of time with God so that He can work a miracle in your heart and mind.
God transforms your mind and heals your damaged emotions one thought at a time, one minute at a time.
If you talk to God for only ten minutes a day, you experience only ten minutes of his healing power. That does not give God much time to fix what ails you. Ten minutes is better than zero minutes, but not by much.
Imagine how much healing could happen if God applied the power of his love to your heart and mind twenty-four hours a day. That is the way things are supposed to work.
You are supposed to live as if God is your Father twenty-four hours a day.
You are supposed to have fellowship with him during all your waking hours.
If you wake up at night and cannot sleep, then you have another opportunity to talk with God and for him to work in your life.
Do you want to experience wholeness?
Do you want to get well?
Take the time to get to know your Father. Spend time with him and allow the power of his love to expand into your life.
You can be as whole as you want.
When you decide how much time you spend with God, you decide how long it will take for the power of his love to work its way through your heart and mind and restore them to wholeness.
Don’t try to squeeze God into your leftover time segments. You will only squeeze him out.
Practice his presence all the time and discover that there is no limit to how good your life can become when God is in all of your moments.
If you want to learn more about how to max out on God's love, you can read Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love by Dr. Dave.