Programmer's Manual for Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


Your brain speaks to you in its own language, and if you speak to it in the same way, it immediately responds in a powerful fashion.

That's why change proceeds most rapidly when you talk to yourself using the language of the mind.

Communicating effectively with your mind is the fast track to making your life into what you want it to be.

You can send your mind positive messages all day long, but if the message isn't getting through, positive change doesn't happen. That's why you need to learn the language of the mind.

It's a waste of time talking to yourself using a language that your mind doesn't understand.

When someone speaks to you in Swahili, chances are you will not receive the message.

The message may have been carefully crafted, and all the grammar may be perfect. Nevertheless, if it comes to you in Swahili, nothing is received.

The sender can spend years perfecting his technique of transmitting messages in Swahili, and it will be to no avail. If you don't understand Swahili, no communication occurs.


The three most powerful components of the language of the mind are images, sounds, and emotions.

Take a minute and listen to your stream of consciousness. What do you hear?

When I do this exercise, I see pictures of my dreams, and I feel their motivating power.

The torrent of sounds, pictures, and emotions are nothing less than the language of the mind in all its power and glory.

That is exactly what happens when my brain talks to me about my dreams.


Most people try to communicate with their mind using words. They select the most inefficient way to communicate. This is simply a reality of information transfer rates.

Thoughts are a series of words transmitted one word at a time.

The amount of information that can be transmitted in a linear fashion with words is probably less than five hundred words a minute.

If you convert this into a baud rate and attempt to market this rate of information transfer to the world, no one would buy what you were selling.

Why would anyone choose to communicate at fifty baud when they can communicated at fifty billion?

Nevertheless, that is the way most people talk to their mind. They enter their stream of consiousness and begin communicating using the most inefficient method.

Communicating with your mind one word at a time is not wasted effort, but it is inefficient.

When you want to examine and change your core beliefs, words often are the most effective method of making it happen, because it must be done one thought at a time, one word at a time.

When you want to refine your beliefs with maximum precision, doing it with words is sometimes the only way to get the job done. There are times when it's OK to sacrifice speed in favor of precision.

When you write a book, you become a wordsmith. Every writer with a thesaurus knows how to select precisely the right word from a list of ten possible candidates.

One word goes straight to the heart of the matter and is clearly superior to the rest.

Sloppy writing is imprecise and is irritating to read because you know that the wordsmith did not select his words well.

Excellent writers don't write things one time and walk away. They revise their prose again and again until it says exactly what they want.


Most of the time you don't need to worship at the altar of precision reprogramming your mind one word at a time.

Instead, you make a quantum leap forward and reprogram your brain using the language of the mind.

Reprogramming one word at a time is slow, hard work, and if that was the only way to do it, not much reprogamming would get done.

Fortunately, the language of the mind does things that words can never do. That's why the language of the mind is so valuable. It reprograms your mind at an exponentially faster rate.

When you want to communicate with your mind in the most efficient manner, you use images, sounds, and emotions.


A picture is worth a thousand words.

Pictures transfer millions of bits of information directly into your mind in seconds. A single picture often tells an entire story and tells it better than words can.

Pictures and words convey the same informtion, but they do it in radically different ways.

When you look at a picture, you instantly create a story in your mind that tells what's happening in the photograph.

But when you decide to do things the the other way around, the job is more difficult.

It is extremely hard to use words to create a memorable picture in the minds of your listeners.

I would rather look at a picture any day than have someone use words to create the same picture for me.

A picture says it all in the blink of an eye.

Creating a picure using words takes time and more than a little effort, and even then the word picture is weak compared with the power of a photograph.

Pictures are easy and words are hard when you are reprogramming your mind.


Sound has an equally impressive impact.

Music is a powerful neuro-association that can place you in any mental state.

Music arouses your physiology and starts you moving. It gives you courage in times of trouble, it helps you relax when you are anxious, and motivates you when you are discouraged.

No matter what problem you have, there is a musical theme to help you overcome it.

Positive music puts you in a positive state and allows you to hear the sound of your dreams.

Inspirational recordings are an awesome way to fill your mind with good things.

You can listen to positive recordings while you drive your car. You can listen when you are taking a shower and getting dressed in the morning. You can listen while you walk or jog.

You don't have to give it your undivided attention to put good things into your mind.


Emotions are mental glue that makes words, sounds, and pictures stick in your mind.

Strong emotion embeds pictures and sounds indelibly into your mind for as long as you live.

The language of the mind is the single most powerful tool for reprogramming the human brain. That is why cultures use it to instill their values and beliefs.

If you want to learn more about the language of the mind, you can read the Programmer's Manual for Your Mind by Dr. Dave.


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