
Positive Bookstore - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


God gave you the heart and wings of an eagle. Your spirit was made to soar in freedom and joy. Unfortunately, negativity and limitations may weigh you down. You cannot soar when you carry heavy burdens.

Imagine an eagle attempting to soar in the sky while attached to a five hundred pound weight. The eagle would flap his wings, but couldn’t budge off the ground. He could flap until his feathers fell out, and still he would remain earthbound.

Eagles are not meant to carry burdens. They are meant to soar high in the sky in total freedom.

You are like an eagle in flight and soaring is your domain. You are not meant to carry heavy burdens. When you see an eagle soaring, you see your life as it’s meant to be.


Large birds often swallow their food whole. When you toss food to sea birds, once the food is in their mouth, they immediately swallow it. Whole fish are swallowed in an instant.

Once I read a book that told how to capture large sea birds. The capture technique involved using bread and heavy pebbles. The book advised the reader to wrap a pebble in a wad of bread dough and toss it to the bird.

The bird will catch the bread in the air and swallow both the pebble and bread whole. When you repeat this many times, the bird becomes progressively heavier until it can no longer fly. Soon the bird has a stomach full of stones, and you can capture him on the ground. The bird will never soar again until he eliminates the pebbles and you release him from captivity. He lost his ability to soar one mouthful at a time.

That is exactly the way negative thoughts prevent you from soaring. You swallow them one at a time until the burden becomes so heavy you can no longer get airborne. Negative thoughts keep you grounded for the rest of your life unless you eliminate them.

Every negative thought weighs a psychological ton, and carrying a load of negativity is an unbearable burden.

When you look into the eyes of negative thinkers, you see weariness. They are worn out by the struggle of carrying a massive burden on their back.

The normal human state is to fly like an eagle. It requires years to take the eagle out of a person. Once the eagle is gone, they forget it was there.

Babies soar like eagles. Watch children during the first five years of their life. They soar effortlessly. Unfortunately, by twenty years of age, most of them forget they were eagles.

Positive Bookstore - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


The more complex your society, the more restrictions there are on soaring.

Highly developed societies don’t need many eagles. Mainly, they need drones to fit into the open slots in the workplace.

We start clipping our children’s wings early in life. When they are five years old, we ask them the question that haunts them for the rest of their life. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” If they come up with a good answer, we are happy.

We are not really asking them a question. We are starting to pluck the eagle.

The message is clear. Society has a certain number of slots where you might fit in. Which of those slots would you like to occupy?


Eagles are a problem. They don’t fit comfortably into any slot.

Complex societies don’t know what to do with eagles. About the only thing they can do is pluck their plumage so they can no longer fly.

That makes the eagle miserable, but at least it keeps them on the ground, and maybe they will be able to push the eagle into a slot somewhere so he contributes to society and carries his own weight.


Eagles make people uncomfortable because they don’t know how to deal with them.

When I started my sailing voyage around the world, lots of people thought I was losing it and going off the deep end. They could not see I was spreading my wings and starting to fly.

People criticize you if you leave your medical practice and sail around the world on a yacht. Critics say you should be making the world a better place by practicing your profession. They feel that you should make a larger contribution to society, and they decide what the contribution should be.

Few people understand that sailing around the world on a yacht might be eagle-like behavior.

The world needs a few eagles to point out it’s still possible to soar through life.

Positive Bookstore - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


Just because you are sailing around the world on a yacht doesn’t mean you are an eagle. Appearances can be deceiving.

There are lots of pretend eagles out there carrying a backpack full of burdens that weigh them down, and they couldn’t get airborne if they tried.

Too many of them are into acquisitions, and their yacht is an extension of an image-oriented lifestyle.

When they go sailing, they are making a fashion statement. They are constantly looking over their shoulder to see who is watching, and they never get airborne and fly.

True eagles place a high value on their freedom. They are not burdened with acquisitions. They travel light and travel far. Their yacht is not a fashion statement used to project an image of wealth and achievement. Their yacht is their plumage that lifts them high in the sky so they can enjoy the freedom of flight.

Most eagles are not wealthy in financial terms. However, they are wealthy in the richness of their life.

Eagles survive by their wits, and they enjoy their freedom to soar.

If they didn’t enjoy it, they wouldn’t be doing it so much of the time.

No one makes them leave their perch and rise high into the sky riding the updrafts as they soar. They can sit on branches any time they want and watch the world go by. When eagles are given the choice between sitting and soaring, they almost always choose to soar.


When I was forty-six years old, I made my choice. It was time to fly like an eagle.

Soaring makes me feel alive. When I stopped practicing medicine and started sailing around the world on my yacht, my spirit spread its wings and began to soar. When I am out on the ocean and in tune with the rhythms of nature, I feel my spirit soar within.

Every time society comes to me with a load of negativity and limitations, I know why they are there. They are trying to clip my wings and keep my feet on the ground.

When the world pops me into its mold, I never come out of the mold as an eagle with the ability to fly. I emerge earthbound with wings of lead.

Positive Bookstore - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


God gave you the heart and wings of an eagle. You were designed for flight, and soaring is your domain. If you don’t load yourself up with burdens, you can soar for your entire life.

The Bible says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and shall not faint.”

During most of your life, you should be flying like an eagle. Nevertheless, on some days, troubles will come, and conditions will not be favorable for soaring. On those days, you will run and not be weary. At other times, adversity will be great, and you will walk and will not faint. That is the promise of God.

The choice is yours.

You can sit in a not-so-golden cage with wings of lead, or you can soar on the updrafts of God’s love.

It’s time to shed your wings of lead and discover how good your life can become when you spread your wings and fly.

Affirmation: God gave me the heart and wings of an eagle. When I see an eagle in flight, I see my life as it is meant to be. I will not allow myself to be grounded by negativity and limitation. I will mount up on wings and fly like an eagle. I will run and not be weary. I will walk and will not faint. There is no limit to how good my life can become when I spread my wings and soar on the updrafts of God’s love.


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