It is likely that certain individuals have an altered brain chemistry that gives them a genetic predisposition to the development of depression. Their genes don't make them depressed, but these individuals need to be extremely careful about the choices they make and about the things they put into their mind, because if they choose poorly, there is a high probability they will become depressed. They inherited a brain chemistry that makes is easier for them to do depression compared to the average individual.
Just because you don't have a genetic predisposition toward depression, does not mean you will never get depressed.
You can also make poor choices and fill your mind with toxic waste that starts the downward spiral of depression.You can actually create the chemistry of depression in your brain, and if you work hard at it, you become clinically depressed.
I believe you have a high degree of control over your brain chemistry.
What you put into your mind affects the chemistry of your brain.
When you put in positive things, you push the chemistry in a positive direction. When you put in negative things, you push it in a negative direction.
You are not the victim of your brain chemistry. In a very real sense, you are its creator.
The type of thoughts you think determine the chemical environment inside your brain. If you choose to think depresssing thoughts, you create the chemistry of depression. If you choose to think anxious thoughts, you produce the chemistry of anxiety. If you choose to think negative thoughts, you produce the chemistry of negativity. If you choose to think angry thoughts, you produce the chemistry of anger.
If you don't believe there is a chemistry associated with depression, why do you think drug companies spend billions of dollars developing antidepressant drugs. Modifying the chemistry of your brain with antidepressants is big business.
Pharmaceutical companies would have you believe the only way to modify your brain chemistry is through the use of their drugs. They are wrong.
Every thought you think is embedded in the chemistry of your brain at some level, and the thoughts you put into your mind actually change the chemistry of your brain. The things you put into your mind have a massive influence on the chemistry of your brain at a mollecular level. It really does matter what you put into your mind.
Far too many people depend entirely on the drug industry to tweak their brain chemistry to make them feel better, but they never change their mental habits. They never stop filling their minds with toxic waste. They never stop doing the things that have a negative impact on the chemistry of their brain.
My mantra for people suffering from depression is this:
When you choose your thoughts, you choose your brain chemistry.
When you change your thoughts, you change your brain chemistry.
You are not the victim of your chemistry, you are its creator.
There is much more to the treatment of depression than popping pills in your mouth and hoping you feel better.
If you believe the pill popping propaganda promulgated by the drug companies, then you will be at their mercy as they tell you about their latest and greatest discoveries that magically make you feel better. You may even end up taking two or more medications to "rebalance" the chemistry of your brain.
I am not denigrating the value of drug therapy in the treatment of depression. I am saying pills are not enough.
You need to stop doing those things that make you feel depressed, and you need to start putting good things into your mind and push your mental chemistry in a positive direction.
Most important of all, you need to be evaluated and treated by a qualified professional who can give you advice about the best way to treat your depression.
If you want to learn more about how to stop doing depression, you can read Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking. And if you want to learn how a positive spirituality can help you develop a healthy heart and mind, read Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love.